Moving house!

by Liz Beavis
Back in December we bought a house.  Not a house and land, just a house that someone didn't want on their land any more.  The house is a "Queenslander" style, which means its up on stumps to keep out the snakes, termites and flood waters, and it once had a wrap-around veranda, which is now half built-in, but still very generous.  The original parts of the house are probably nearly 100 years old, with some parts added in the 1990s.

It has taken SEVEN months to organise all the council paperwork and for the removalists to be ready, but our house finally moved this week!

Half of the house on the truck ready to move

The first half coming down our road around 3am

The first half in the house yard
The second half still on the truck


The removalist just has to put the roof back on and stump the house.  Then all we have to do is connect power, install rainwater tanks and septic system, replace the roof, install insulation and ceiling fans, paint the interior...... its fun to have a project!  I will show you around the inside as soon as the removalists have finished and its all settled on our property.

Have you ever moved a house?  Or renovated an old house?  Tell me it won't be too much work....

More posts about our house, from moving it to the property through to moving into the house (roughly in order):

1 comment

  • Kel

    Just a mention for NSW potential home relocation: In QLD the usual permitted width for road transport is 8.5m and the house standard price is based on that, however in NSW transport width is limited to 5.5m, so the house seller factors in cost to cut and rejoin the house and transport it in more than one section. Contractors also charge a small premium on NSW delivery due to the more complicated regulatory environment.

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