Baby hat pattern and a new crochet stitch

by Liz Beavis
I've been doing a bit of crochet lately.  Mainly because I've been working on a lacey alpaca shawl and the pattern is so complicated that its not really fun to knit.  I love the way it looks, but I don't really enjoy the stress of getting the pattern right.  This leads to procrastination, which leads to a simple crochet project (or two.. ok three).

eight acres: front post crochet ear warmer and drink bottle holder
front post crochet in my ear warmer

A friend asked for a baby hat as a baby shower present, and when I was looking for a suitable pattern I found this textured toddler hat, which uses a front post crochet stitch.  It took me a few false starts and unravelling (and finding it on youtube - this is a good link too), but eventually I mastered the front post and finished the hat (and forgot to take a photo of it, I didn't have a suitable model, so you'll just have to take my word for it and maybe we will get some pics when the baby fits the hat!).

eight acres: front post crochet ear warmer and drink bottle holder
ear warmer

As I was still not feeling like finishing the shawl, I made myself an ear warmer (I prefer these to hats) using alternating bands of front post crochet and double crochet.  Then I made a drink bottle cover.  Mostly because I don't want the lovely bright pink paint to get knocked off my drink bottle, but it would also help with some insulation of the metal bottle.

eight acres: front post crochet ear warmer and drink bottle holder

eight acres: front post crochet ear warmer and drink bottle holder

How to make the ear warmer band

Chain about 20 stitches (depending how wide you want the band and what needle and yarn you're using) and crochet a few rows of double crochet.  Then switch to front post crochet on every second stitch for a few rows.  The trick here is that you have to to backwards front post crochet's on the row coming back so that the front of the work looks right.  I made the hat first, so I got lots of practice doing forward front post crochets going round and round, so it was a bit of a shock when I had to turn the work and figure out how to do them backwards, so it might be better to start with a round pattern first.

How to make a bottle holder

I used a magic ring and 10 double crochets to start my bottle holder.  The two doubles in each stitch to make the circle.  You might have to vary this depending on the size of your bottle, but that was enough rows to get me started on the rest of the bottle holder.  From there I did a few rows of double crochet with no further increases, just round and round and then I started on the front post crochets every second stitch until I got to the top of the bottle.  I finished off with double crochet as that seems to pull a bit tighter around the neck of the bottle.  I got the size just right (by fluke) so that the bottle holder stays on perfectly.
And how is that shawl going?  I've used half the alpaca yarn and I thought I may have made some mistakes, nothing like the great unravelling hole that brought the whole project to the halt last time around.
What do you think?  Do you use front post crochets?  Or other crochet stitches for texture?  Do you procrastinate and start another fun project when one gets hard or boring?

See below Amazon Affiliate links for a few knitting books that I find useful including the one I mentioned above.  If you buy through these links I get a small commission at no extra cost for you.  If you're reading this on email or blog reader, you will need to visit my blog to see all the links.



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