How to make yoghurt from powdered milk

by Liz Beavis
Youghurt is great for digestion and a nutritious food, but it can be a bit pricey.  I have been in the habit of using Easiyo packets (as I explained here), which contain milk powder and starter culture, and that has been a cost saving compare to buying yoghurt itself, however I had also been wondering if I could make yoghurt using milk powder instead of buying the packets.
I finally decided to stop being so lazy and have a go at using milk powder to make yoghurt,  instead of relying on the EasiYo packet.  I had a large bag of powdered milk in the cupboard that I bought during the flood-crisis here over summer, so it was time to use it up.  I have now made several batches of yoghurt using only the powdered milk, so I can report that it is just as easy and convenient, as well as being ridiculously cheap.
The good thing about the Easiyo kit is that it comes with two jars and a thermos.  You can still use the jars and thermos to make yoghurt from milk powder, without having to buy the Easiyo packets.  I also use the thermos and jars for making various raw milk cheeses, so its a very useful kit.  

eight acres: making yoghurt from powdered milk


The process for making yoghurt from powdered milk is very similar to using the Easiyo packet.   You can either use a starter culture, or you can sub-culture, which means using some of the previous batch to start your new batch.  I use the second method to keep a continuous batch of yoghurt going as I finish one batch I start the next.

All you have to do as soon as you finish one batch of yoghurt, is make the next one in the same jar straight away, without cleaning it, so that the remaining yoghurt will inoculate the next batch.  All I do is scrape out most of the yoghurt (for my lunch), tip in the powdered milk (1 cup to 1 L of water), mix in the cold water and pop the jar into the thermos as normal (see other post for instructions on using the thermos).  After 8-12 hours the yoghurt is ready.  You can also use freeze-dried yoghurt culture if you don't have any previous batch to start your yoghurt.

It took me a few goes to work out the right amount of powdered milk, but now I reckon just over a cup of powdered milk makes one litre of yoghurt at the consistency that I prefer, however it just depends how thick you like it, you may use more or less.

A 1 kg bag of powdered milk costs about $6 and I made at least 10 L of yoghurt out of it.  That means that it costs about 60c a L, compared to the EasiYo packets at about $3/L each and the tubs of yoghurt at $6/L (although haven't bought one for ages, not sure on that one!).

Anyway, its very cheap and easy (I can't believe I used to waste time carefully washing out the jar!).  I'm hoping that I will have the same success with fresh milk.

Do you make yoghurt?  What's your method?


More posts about yoghurt on Eight Acres


A few affiliate links to get you started with yoghurt:

Biome - Yoghurt kit

Yoghurt kit at Biome


  • Christopher Horton

    I am making my easiyo sachets with blue butterfly pea / guava leaf tea instead of plain water, plus adding resistant starch – magic. I serve with chia seeds and I would like to incorporate beeswax into the yoghurt for the wonderful enzymes. Feel free to chime in with suggestions on how to do this as I would like to hear other ideas.

  • Susie

    Thankyou for the tips,this info has been very helpful to me, I have gained a lot today. I’ll let you know how I go with my next batch.

  • Tim

    I went through the same process – milk powder instead of EasyYo in my EasyYo thermos with a spoon of yoghurt mixed in as a starter.
    It worked, but I’ve never found the EasyYo system completely reliable. Occasionally it just doesn’t work, whether using their mix or my own milk powder. I suspect it’s a temperature control thing (living in a cold climate, I think it doesn’t stay hot enough).
    So I bought an electric yoghurt maker off eBay for about $15. A maze balls.
    The yoghurt maker came with a strainer, which I usually use to thicken the yoghurt up a bit by straining some whey out (how long to strain means how thick… from minimal difference to almost like a soft cheese after a couple of days).
    So now I have a ready supply of yoghurt whey. It has the same bacteria as yoghurt, so I use a half cup of whey as my starter now. I have also played with using whey to start lacto-fermenting pickles, adding whey to cooking (anything that needs water and can cope with a bit of acid – even pasta sauces can take some whey), or even just drinking it, which my wife finds disgusting on principle but is quite pleasant if you like plain yoghurt flavour.
    I’ve done flavoured yoghurts (fruit jams in the mix, or a shot of espresso) but that limits options for starting the next batch. Need to do regular plain batches to keep up the plain whey supply.

  • Trudi

    I’ve been doing this for a while. You don’t need to heat it. You just use cold water from the tap to mix up the powdered milk and pop it in the easiyo hot water as usual. Also – I have read that if you are using real milk it is best to add a bit of powdered milk for a thicker result, so when I use powdered milk i use the stated amount to make up 1L and then add a bit – for me this means 1 1/2 cups powdered milk and I get a nice thick yogurt. I do wash my jar!

  • joan

    i have been trying to get up a bit of courage to make my yoghurt with powdered milk. do you have to warm the milk first as the yoghurt maker instructions say.also they add another ingredient as well as the culture ,which i dont have .do you have any advice . thank you joan

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