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Growing and eating chokos (chayotes)
A choko on the vine |
The choko vine growing over the garden fence |
Leaving chokos out to sprout |
Here's one that started sprouting in the kitchen, the others have been outside, but starting to sprout slowly |
This is how I plant them, I don't know if its right, but it works. |
The choko contains a large seed, like a mango, but if you pick them small enough it is soft enough to eat. If you leave the choko for long enough it will sprout from one end and start to grow a vine. To grow the choko, just plant the sprouted choko and give the vine a structure to climb over. In summer, the vine will produce tiny flowers that will eventually swell into choko fruit. The vine doesn't like hot dry weather. And it doesn't like frost either. Its a little fussy, but when the conditions are right, it will produce copious amounts, so you probably only need one vine unless you really like chokos.
Choko flowers |
Double choko! |
chopped choko - I don't peel them and the seed is soft, so doesn't have to be removed either - now just steam or sautee |

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