Enjoying winter slaw

by Farmer Liz
Over winter we often find ourselves with a surplus of cabbage.  One thing that I like to make is coleslaw (or just slaw for short).  The coleslaw I remember as a child was just shredded cabbage, grated carrot and grated cheese (sometimes also raisins, apple and/or walnuts), saturated in mayonnaise.  Lately I have been experimenting with other ingredients.....

It has to contain shredded cabbage to be a proper coleslaw, but I also like to included grated root vegetables such as beetroot, carrot, turnip, swede and radish.  I will also include other green leafy veges, like any asian greens, mustard greens and nasturtium leaves.  Mint and parsley finely chopped are also delicious.  I prefer to use an olive oil and vinegar dressing, with a few herbs or mustard seeds, it just tastes fresher and not as heavy as mayonnaise.

What do you put in coleslaw?  What's your favourite salad combination?

The Self Sufficient HomeAcre
From The Farm Blog Hop     

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