Real food tomato sauce

by Farmer Liz
One of Pete's favourite foods is tomato sauce (ketchup).  He likes to put it on everything, especially his morning eggs.  We try to buy the brand that has the lowest sugar content, but its still 30%, so I wanted to try to make some sauce myself in an effort to reduce the sugar content.  I did make the first batch from red tomatoes, but forgot to take photos, so here is batch two, made with yellow tomatoes :)

I cut up the tomatoes and cooked them on a low heat for several hours, adding only an onion and lots of garlic.  When the tomatoes were cooked, I blended them until smooth.  For every 2 cups of tomato puree, I added 1 tablespoon each of rapadura sugar and apple cider vinegar, and then adjusted to taste (it depends on the tomatoes).

The result has been rather popular.  I try to just make a little at a time because I'm not confident with canning.  About a cup or 2 lasts a couple of weeks in the fridge.

cooking the tomatoes

the finished product
Do you make your own tomato sauce?

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