Dump shop finds

by Farmer Liz
When we took our old BBQ to the dump I had a an opportunity for a quick look through the dump shop.  (I should also point out that the only reason we didn't put the BBQ on freecycle is that we took off the wheels and the hot plate for upcycling, and the burners were very rusty, so it was better off as scrap).  The dump shop is even cheaper than op shops and you can find some really unexpected things there.

I was incredibly excited to find the 1980s Australian Trivial Pursuit game with ALL THE PIECES AND CARDS!!!!   I have wanted a copy of this for ages, yay!  We have an old monopoly game from the markets, but that game just gets so boring it makes us fight, and we've had to resort to playing cards lately.  This should provide hours of fun.

I also found a couple of books, one about travelling in the Northern Territory and one about resources in Queensland.  I got all of this for $5.  Bargain! 

Do you use a local dump shop?  Or do you think I'm gross? :)

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