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Where should I start with a new property?
Like I wrote back in this post about designing your property with permaculture, step one is "do nothing" - just observe your property for at least a year (if you can), figure out what you want from it and what it can do, then start planning one small project at a time.
When it comes to figuring out what you want and what your property can do, this post about "What to do with eight acres" might give you some ideas (adjust them to fit the size property you have).
If you have more than a few acres, you might find Keyline design useful as well, it helps with placement of roads, fences and water storage on larger properties, by considering the terrain (or keylines) of the landscape.
This post has a lot of information for new homesteaders: Homesteading 101 advice from the experts.
I find permaculture is the best design tool, you can read my post about David Holmgren's 12 permaculture principles here:
A few books that might help:
The Permaculture Home Garden |
You Can Farm |
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Thanks for sharing information !
I’m stoked to stumble across your website on permaculture as my partner and I are looking forward to owning a piece of green to start our permaculture experience. One question, as we know water source is important, if dam is not readily available in your property, do we need a permit to build a dam in QLD? And sizing guide?
Definitely second, the most important thing on a new property, is your water sources. Then permaculture principles, to determine how to design your property layout. Wish I knew about that, before we bought our property. But you make do. After that, I would suggest local knowledge, and contacts with members of the community. They tend to know who to seek out, for answers to your questions.
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