Meet Bella and Molly - our house cow and calf

by Farmer Liz
Yesterday morning we brought home our dairy cow, Bella, and her calf, Molly, and we milked her for the first time this morning.  Bella and Molly are both pure bred jersey cows.  Bella gave us about 6 L of milk, so I've already skimmed off the cream, and made some yoghurt and we've drank a few litres and given some to the dogs.  We have all the gear to make some cheese when we have accumulated enough milk, so that will be a new challenge!  I'll tell you more in the near future....

Molly (hiding in the grass) and Bella
Bruce and Rocket meet their new herd-mates (from a safe distance)
You might also be interested in my series on getting started with homestead dairy

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