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How I use herbs - rue, tansy and wormwood
Rue (Ruta graveolens)
I bought rue as a seedling. Rue is another wormer and insecticidal herb. It is smaller than the other plants, and has dark green leaves and yellow flowers. Rue has many reported medicinal properties, including relief of cramp, regulating menstrual cycle and relief of headaches and even to restore eyesight, however it is also reported to be toxic and should not be used when pregnant.
Rue |
Tansy (Tanecetum vulgare)
I was given tansy as a division. It does grow from seed, but its very easy to divide too. It has lovely yellow flowers and grows into a small bush. Allana says that this herb is used for worming, and to repel mice and insects. Like Rue, Tansy has reported medicinal benefits, particularly for intestinal worms, but is also thought to be toxic and should be avoided in pregnancy.
Tansy |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthium)
I bought a small wormwood plant, and I have read that it grows well from cuttings. It has grown very vigorously and taken over this part of the garden, I really planted the tansy and rue too close. I think wormwood would make a good hedge. The leaves are silver, and the flowers are also yellow. It has a very strong scent. Again, Allana suggests wormwood for worming and to repel insects. Medicinally, wormwood is considered useful for digestion due to its extreme bitterness. It is also used externally as a rub for inflammation, wounds, bites and rashes (I haven't tried this yet).
Wormwood |
Do you use rue, tansy and wormwood? How do you grow them and how do you use them?
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